© 2025 Sara Byström Lawyer, Fransk Advokat, French Attorney Counsel
Swedish, passionate since my young age about French language, life took me to France through Switzerland, literature, photography. My interest in law as a way to assist people led me to law studies at the Sorbonne.
Thanks to my 30 years of experience in French law in France, my clients benefit from my intimate understanding of the country in whole and in detail, of how everything works and how things can be solved through an adapted approach.
Thanks to my Swedish and Anglo-Saxon roots and international experiences, I reassure non-French persons, companies, Americans, others, by adapting to their cultural and legal specificities – for their benefit and our pleasure!
Rooted in my origins, my passion for artistic creations and communication makes me support photographers, artists, producers, cultural actors and their creations, productions, projects with great joy!
Attorney Counsel – Lawyer – Legal adviser
Real Estate Agent Lawyer
Explore nature
Diving into the arts (or the opposite)
To offer the best 360° service to our clients, we work in a network of partnerships and as a team with complementary professionals who share our founding values, our Swedish DNA; trust, pragmatism, sincerity and kindness.
We are members of the French and Paris Bar Associations, the national bas association – Conseil National des Barreaux CNB, the Organisation of French Real Estate Attorney Counsels – Association des Avocats Mandataires en Transaction Immobilière – AAMTI, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France CCSF, the Swedish Circle Svenska Klubben, the International Bar Association IBA, SFU – ALAI Sweden, ICOMOS international, ICLAFI, SWEA and SVIV.
To centralize with me all you legal, financial, administrative projects and issues.
To combine legal advice, security, good investment.
To work together as a team on your French-American projects and issues.
Together bringing you to the finalization of your operations.
To make you never lose a crumb.
För att samarbeta i team i era fransk-svenska ärenden ! (To work as a team in your French-Swedish projects and issues)
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