Photo professionals

Have complete peace of mind in your photographic life, you are at home with us!

Photographers and photo actors

Rooted in our origins, our passion for photography, images and visual worlds is expressed tirelessly and every day internationally for more than 30 years, including 10 years in one of the largest photographic agencies in France. And in the world !


want to know everything about photographic credit and mentions for the distribution of the photo whether digital or on analog media?

want to know if your invoices, contracts and quotes respect the rules for each shot, situation and client and if they protect you?

want to know what the rights of photographers and photographer assistants are and how to assert them?

want to know your responsibility regarding image rights, third party rights and other rights relating to the content of the photo?

need to make a shooting authorization or a model release and want to be assured that it is good?

want to analyze an order contract, an assignment or an authorization to exhibit that you have been offered?

have you discovered that your photo has been used without authorization or without your name?

Are you a collector, dealer or gallery owner in photography and want to know the legal aspects of photography?

Understanding and long experience in the field

for communication, respect for rights and the quality of relationships between professionals

Legal expertise confirmed in the field

at the service of your photos, images, productions and other photographic activities thanks to our 30 years in the field

360 approach for the best solution

which allows you to optimize your situation, continue your shooting, distribution, production, etc.

A la Carte

– Legal analysis of your photo productions
– Consultation on the risks linked to content in photos
– Creation of rights transfer and exploitation contracts
– Commercial strategy support
– Copyright management tips
– Analysis of your shooting and exploitation authorizations and transfers
– Defense of your rights and representation against the counterfeiter
– Recovery of your rights and royalties
– Negotiation of your rights with the producer, the agency, the channel, the publisher, etc.
– Design of a protection strategy for my photos
– Creation of rights transfer and exploitation contracts
– Consultation on the statuses and regimes of photographers


– What are my rights as a photographer?
– Does the transfer, license and exploitation contract that I received protect me?
– What is DR, reserved right?
– How can I enforce my moral rights?
– Do I have the right to use this photo on the Internet?
– Are our general conditions of sale adapted enough to the photo?
– What is a Buy-out or a Model Release?
– Can I cancel an order that I have agreed to accept?
– Should I always be kept informed of the uses of my photo?
– Do I have the right to use and sell the photos I purchased?
– What is the right to image in public space?


– How should I act today when I see the unauthorized use of my photo? – Our agency has received a summons for counterfeiting, what strategy should we adopt?
– I want to get my negatives back from the publisher as quickly as possible
– I saw that my name is put on a photo that is not mine
– If I am a craft photographer, can I demand respect for my rights?
– The distributor of my photos demands that I sign a new contract very quickly
– I want to file an infringement action
– I received a formal notice from the model that I took a photo of
– I have sent lots of letters to get paid but have not received a response
– My website has been hacked, what should I do?

At the origins

With an immersed daily life for more than ten years and the creation of the first internal legal department in an international photo agency in France in one of the largest agencies, Sara is very proud of her unique added value!

Born in the visual arts, Sara comes from a long line of painters spanning several generations and has always lived the daily life of creations and their life cycles. This intimate belonging to the specific world of images, painting and photos gives us, in addition to our legal knowledge, a real deep connection, a particular sensitivity which fuels everything we do for our photographers, visual artists, producers, agencies, distributors and other lovers of this essential to human life that is photography and images, still or animated, vintage, digital or virtual media!

Our fees

Confidence in action

As we are used to in Sweden, our sincerity and honesty are our DNA and the fundamental values ​​that we proudly carry with you so that our collaboration is as positive as possible.

We'll tell you exactly what we offer and why. We will always wait for your agreement before taking action.

For hourly rate billing, 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 50 minutes worked will be billed based on the actual time spent on your case, without rounding up. Details of the time spent and our actions will be communicated to you.

Clarity and predictable

After having explained the rules relating to our profession and founding our lawyer guarantee, you will learn about the criteria on which we base our fees

We decide together, in complete transparency and in writing, the details of our collaboration: fees, external costs, payment, deadline, mission, information, obligations, etc.

Any evolution or modification of the mission will be decided together in writing to safeguard our confidence in the collaboration.

Preliminary interview and audit

To analyze your request and your needs, any start of collaboration begins with a preliminary interview by telephone, video conference or in-person meeting.

To help you as best as possible, every file begins with an audit. You will therefore provide us with all the information and all useful documents at the start.

In the audit we will propose actions and the conditions to implement them. Helped by our advice, you will then decide how you want to move forward.

Package / subscription / past time

Depending on the specifics of your case, the subject, the interventions, the time allocated and the issues, the invoicing of our fees is often constructed in stages, by stage.

Sometimes flat rate billing will be possible. In certain cases, billing based on time spent is necessary. Certain situations merit adaptation, subscription may also be possible. Sometimes the remuneration is based on a percentage of the amount involved: the money obtained for the benefit of the client, the money saved on behalf of the client or on the value of the real estate.

Method and means of payment

Modes and methods of payment : to facilitate our communications, payment of invoices and fees can be made via Stripe link, international bank transfer, SEPA or by check issued by a French bank.