© 2025 Sara Byström Lawyer, Fransk Advokat, French Attorney Counsel
So that you find comfort, confidence and security in your projects and situations for real guaranteed protections
of the Swedes, French and Americans to fully grasp the specificities of each country
serving your interests and your legal, financial and administrative situation
which allows you to have a competent and trusted person to represent you and look after your interests in France
⇒ To secure the situation with a safe strategy
⇒ To optimize limit legal, financial and tax risks.
⇒ To restore confidence, sleep and peace of mind.
⇒ For analysis of the context and needs, advice based on guaranteed and updated information.
⇒ To add expertise and understanding of different cultures, practices and uses.
⇒ For clear and educational explanations in a common language.
⇒ For perfect knowledge of the particularities of sectors, environments, uses and practices but also constraints and opportunities.
Contact a Lawyer at the start of a question is always a good idea!
Professional liability insurance applies to each advice, consultation, assistance, mandate and representation!
Professional civil liability insurance means (…) all activities authorized by the lawyer by the RIN.
In his activity as an agent in real estate transactions, the lawyer remains required to respect the essential principles of his profession and the rules of conflict of interest; he will only be able to intervene for one of the parties and will only receive fees from that party.
The lawyer will comply with the annex to the internal regulations concerning the rules relating to negotiation.
(Article P.6.3.1 of Internal Regulations of the Paris Bar)
Professional civil liability insurance means (…) all activities authorized by the lawyer by the RIN.
Professional liability insurance applies to each advice, consultation, assistance, mandate, representation of the Lawyer!
Two insurances provide the basis for the guarantees:
– one which guarantees professional civil liability,
– the other which guarantees the management of the money entrusted to him in the exercise of his profession.
(Article 27 of the law of December 31, 1971).
⇒ The profession of legal consultant or legal consultant is not regulated or controlled. Their services do not offer the guarantee of a sworn professional like a lawyer whose level of education, skills, training and behavior is controlled.
⇒ The non-lawyer who is not an employee of a professional structure and who gives advice is therefore a situation of illegal exercise of the profession of lawyer, a protected, controlled and guaranteed title.
⇒ In certain other countries, however, a non-lawyer can offer and invoice legal services but without the protective guarantee of the lawyer.
“… lawyers… more effective in informing you, advising you and defending you… it is the guarantee of reliability and legal certainty, confidentiality and ethics… It is the best way to guarantee your rights. »
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